domingo, 29 de novembro de 2015

NHK Trophy 2015 - SP Program


Ainda permaneço sob o impacto do que Yuzuru fez na competição de hoje, por isso  estou com dificuldade em sentar e organizar os fatos, as ideias e as emoções. Quando soube que Yuzuru iria repetir Chopin no seu SP fiquei apreensiva porque para mim era um programa que não deu certo e deveria ser descartado.
Ainda bem que eu não tenho nenhum poder de decisão sobre Yuzuru e sua equipe!
Yuzuru declarou que voltaria à  Chopin porque  no ano anterior não conseguiu patina-lo  como ele e sua equipe queriam e tinham concebido o programa.
Hoje ao vê-lo executar Chopin eu entendi porque Yuzuru não queria deixa-lo de lado, o programa  é maravilhoso,  mescla com perfeição uma  alta dificuldade técnica com uma parte artística  elaborada.
Quando Yuzuru começou a interpretar  Chopin no NHK era visível sua  determinação misturadas  a uma calma certeza de que  ele faria o seu melhor e com isso vencer.
Yuzu provou a todos nós mais uma vez que com persistência, trabalho, respeito e carinho podem realizar nosso sonhos/planos.
Além de mostrar a beleza de Chopin ao mundo,  Yuzuru também se classificou em 1º. batendo seu próprio recor no SP com a incrível marca de 106,33 pontos.
A mim  só resta dizer que valeu ter levantado as 05:30 da manhã para ver Yuzuru competir, agradecendo   a chance de vê-lo  patinar, mesmo que seja de longe.

Still remain under the impact of what Yuzuru made in today's competition, so I'm having trouble sitting and organize facts, ideas and emotions. When he learned that Yuzuru would repeat Chopin in his SP I was apprehensive because for me it was a program that did not work and should be discarded. 
Thankfully, I have no right to determine Yuzuru and his team!
Yuzuru said he would return to Chopin because the previous year could not skate it as he and his team wanted and had designed the program. 
Today to see him perform Chopin I understood why Yuzuru did not want to leave it aside, the program is wonderful, it gets a perfect high technical difficulty with the artistic part elaborate. 
When Yuzuru began to play Chopin on NHK was visible their determination mixed with a calm certainty that he would do his best and with this win.
Yuzu proved us all once again that with persistence, work, respect and affection can realize our dreams / plans.
Besides showing the beauty of Chopin to the world, Yuzuru also ranked 1st. beating its own recor in SP with a staggering 106.33 points.
To me it only remains to say that was worth raising the 05:30 in the morning to see Yuzuru compete, thanking the chance to see him skating, even from afar.

151127 朝NEWS 1 por YzRIKO


151127 NHK Trophy Men SP 2G warm-up por bambiawa


151127 NHK Trophy Yuzuru Hanyu SP por bambiawa

Source Photos:;;; cpba26.tumblr

Source Gif: lika-chen.tumblr; poohzuru.tumblr

Source Videos:  awachan; YzRIKO

Hanyu sets record score in short program at NHK Trophy 

 NAGANO, Japan — Olympic figure skating champion Yuzuru Hanyu set a record score in the short program at the NHK Trophy on Friday.

Hanyu received 106.33 points to eclipse his own previous high of 101.45 at the Sochi Olympics.

Jin Boyang of China was second with 95.64, followed by Takahito Mura of Japan on 88.29.

Satoko Miyahara of Japan hit all of her jumps to finish first after the women’s short program with a score of 69.53 followed by Americans Courtney Hicks with 65.60, and Ashley Wagner on 63.71.

Mao Asada, making a comeback after a year off, was fourth with 62.50. Asada fell on her opening triple axel and singled a triple lutz.

Skating to Chopin’s “Ballad No. 1,” Hanyu opened with a quad salchow and a quad toe loop, triple toe loop combination. He also cleanly landed a triple axel.

“At a certain point, I felt I had to include two quads in the short program,” Hanyu said. “As the Olympic champion, I felt that it is necessary as I prepare for the 2018 Olympics.”

Hanyu is looking for his first Grand Prix win of the season after finishing second at Skate Canada behind Canada’s Patrick Chan. A win would secure him a place at the Grand Prix Final in Barcelona from Dec. 10-13.

As he did at the Cup of China, Jin cleanly executed a rare quad lutz-triple toe loop combination to open his routine to “Tango Amore.”

“I thought I could make a good performance,” Jin said. “All of my jumps were good quality and I was able to do everything I practiced.”

The men’s and women’s program conclude on Saturday.

In pairs, world champions Meagan Duhamel and Eric Radford of Canada were first after the short program with 71.04 points. Alexa Scimeca and Chris Knierim of the United States were second with 68.43, followed by Xiaoyu Yu and Yang Jin of China at 67.00.

terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015

Yuzuru Hanyu - NHK Trophy 2015

Essa semana vamos ter mais emoções com Yuzuru e seus amigos, dessa vez estaremos em Nagano no Japão. Onde a torcida já se prepara para apoiar Yuzuru e seus companheiros do Japão.
Tenho certeza que vai ser um lindo espetáculo.
Como sempre estaremos mandando nossas energias positivas para que tudo corra bem com Yuzuru.

2015 11 04 N杯フィギュア 5min特集 por yuzupinoko


A Capital japonesa de Esportes de Inverno

Feito famoso pelos Jogos Olímpicos de Inverno de 1998, Nagano é uma meca para os peregrinos budistas, bem como para os turistas que procuram desfrutar  a bela japonês Alpes.

Sua popularidade remonta à construção do templo Zenkoji, no século VII. Tesouro nacional, seria sediar a primeira estátua de Buda trouxe ao arquipélago por missionários coreanos durante uma visita no ano 552.

Salão principal Zenkoji na neve
Algumas instalações construídas para os Jogos Olímpicos foram convertidos em um museu, como o M-Wave, ou o complexo desportivo, agora rebatizado de "Minami Nagano Sports Park". Os adeptos de desporto poderão também optar por sair da cidade por um dia para ir explorar a pé ou de esqui nas montanhas com vista para a cidade.

Esqui e macarrão soba

Nagano é acima de tudo  a capital japonesa de esportes de inverno e caminhadas na montanha, porque ela é abençoada pelos picos dos Alpes japoneses que a rodeiam. Um paraíso para esquiadores e amantes de nascentes de água quente, eo lugar perfeito para desfrutar de um velho Japão, como em "Little Kyoto", Takayama, ou Old Post cidades da antiga estrada Nakasendō.

Para recuperar a força, restaurantes em Nagano e seus arredores oferecem a especialidade local:  Shinshu soba, macarrão de trigo sarraceno fino embebido em um caldo quente.

Os macacos de Jigokudani

Cidades vizinhas são facilmente acessíveis a partir de Nagano de trem ou ônibus em uma hora e meia, em média, cada um oferecendo suas próprias atrações originais: o castelo do século XVI de Matsumoto, os macacos famosos frade nas águas termais de Jigokudani, ou o Museu Monte Togakushi ninjas.

castelo de Matsumoto

27 a 29 de novembro de 2015

Big Hat, Multipurpose Sports Arena, Wakasato
3-22-2 Wakasato, Nagano City 380-0928

NHK Trophy


Sexta - 27 de  Novembro
Pairs -Short Program 14:20
Men -Short Program 16:10
Opening on Ice 18:00
Ladies -Short Program 19:05

Sábado - 28 de Novembro
Ice Dance -Short Dance 12:30
Pairs -Free Skating 14:20
Awards ceremony (Pairs)
Men -Free Skating 16:30
Awards ceremony (Men)
Ladies -Free Skating 19:35
Awards ceremony (Ladies)

Domingo -29 de Novembro
Ice Dance -Free Dance 12:00
Awards ceremony (Ice Dance)
Gala Exhibition 15:00
* As portas serão abertas a cada dia 60 minutos antes do primeiro evento.


Brendan KERRY - AUS
Elladj BALDE - CAN
Boyang JIN - CHN
Yuzuru HANYU - JPN
Takahito MURA - JPN
Konstantin MENSHOV - RUS

Kaetlyn OSMOND - CAN
Zijun LI - CHN
Courtney HICKS - USA

Xiaoyu YU / Yang JIN - CHN
Vanessa JAMES / Morgan CIPRES - FRA
Amani FANCY / Christopher BOYADJI - GBR

Ice Dance
Penny COOMES / Nicholas BUCKLAND - GBR
Ekaterina BOBROVA / Dmitri SOLOVIEV - RUS
Alexandra STEPANOVA / Ivan BUKIN - RUS
Madison HUBBELL / Zachary DONOHUE - USA

 Graças a  aliajackson.tumblr novamente temos os horários dos eventos no horário local de várias cidades, além da contagem regressiva;   e graças a soyouwanttowatchfigureskating temos várias informações sobre como acompanhar o evento pela internet.

Cronômetros de contagem regressiva
- Competição SP Homens
- Competição Homens FP

Source texts: Japan Experience  NHK Trophy 

Source photos:
 Japan Experience
 Nagano Convention
 NHK Trophy 

domingo, 22 de novembro de 2015

Brian Orser: We All Speak the Same Language of Figure Skating

Skating China by Heloise Xiao

The last spin ends amidst cheers and yells. In the centre of the rink stands one of the top skaters in men's figure skating field, gasping for air, surrounded by all the coaches, choreographers and athletes from Cricket Skating and Curling Club. Another skater comes to the ice, while the rest continue to cheer for him—'Come on! Push, push, you can do it!' Orser's eyes sparkle with excitement when he is describing the atmosphere in the Club. 'Everyone is helping each other. Normally it'll be easy just to stop, but everybody's clamping for him. He's grateful that we got through that first one. Then we do it again.'

From Orser's point of view, run-throughs are real tests. 'When you first start doing run-throughs, it's gonna be really ugly. You have to get into the trenches in this type of work. Bit by bit, day by day, week by week, the programmes get better. Then we work on sections. We have a different method, and it seems to work.'

While some Russian and Chinese coaches avoid overburdening their skaters with run-throughs, Orser and Tracy Wilson, the self-proclaimed 'old-school' North American coaches, believe in run-throughs. Yet he tries to make sure they are not too Spartan. One solution is to do run-throughs without doing big tricks. Jumping a triple Salchow instead of a quad Sal, the skater adapts to the same physiological system but reduces the risk of injury. Then he may ask his skaters to focus on the second half with usually easier jumps, although, in the case of his top skaters, the word 'easier' can mean a quad, two triple Axels, five jumps in total.

This kind of run-through does not last for the whole year. In the spring time of May and June, the Cricket Club concentrates on skating skills, practicing a lot of stroking without doing jumps or spins. The aim is not only to train skaters to fly across the ice, but also teach them how to cross one foot over the top of the other, to get the blade to accelerate. When time comes that they should practice spinning, he also teaches how to maximize the spins without having to work too hard. Afterwards, they add the new choreography to their practice schedule, getting familiar with new transitions while going on to polish skating skills. In summer, when the skaters are in good shape, they focus on new jumps, including new quads. The run-through starts halfway through the summer and is subject to everyone's schedule. Those whose competitions start earlier do run-throughs ahead of others. Orser wants his skaters to peak at the right time. His philosophy is that you have to push the skaters, chase them a little bit, but not train them too much.

(Photography by Zhong/Skating China)
 With the assistance of Tracy Wilson and other experts, Orser is ambitious to produce a whole package. 'Competing as a senior, you have to fill up the ice. You have to go fast. You have to have those Patrick Chan deep edges.' Great jumpers like Hanyu and Fernandez are now working arduously on skating skills and transitions. The typical difficult entries into quads apparently make their jumps less consistent for the moment, but Orser is confident in the benefits they bring. 'As soon as the new (scoring) system came on, I embraced it. I tried to figure out the best wisdom to get the most points.'

He feels less challenged than amazed by the Chinese wonder boy Boyang Jin, who a couple of days ago just landed quad Lutz-triple Toeloop combination in the short programme, attempted four quads in the long and eventually landed three (though there were weak landings). Jin's entries into his alien jumps were earthly, and he earned around 7 points for transition. Still, he posed a threat to the reigning World Champion at Cup of China, losing by less than 10 points. Brian would like his skaters to watch new talents like Jin, for it keeps them competitive. In the meantime, he boasts certain qualities of his own protégés. 'Javi and Yuzu have a little bit more maturity. We do capitalize on the transitions, but also on the elements where people can win and lose competitions, it is in the GOEs. So you need to do your own elements really well, including spins, steps, choreo steps. That's really where it makes a difference.'

Photography by Orange/Skating China
 Orser has good reason to feel confident. When Javier Fernandez came to Toronto in 2011, he was, in Orser's words, 'sloppy, out of shape', earning Level 1 or Level 2 for his 'terrible' spins. In just a few months, his component scores rocketed at Skate Canada. Brian is surprised on hearing how much he improved (16 points, contrasting Skate Canada with Worlds 2011), and attributes it to their patient work with Fernandez and good choreography of that season. The coaches 'smothered him with care', but polished him step by step, not dumping out information all at once, in case he should lose interest. After all, the Spaniard was a well-known lazy talent then. It was only when he lost his government funding and had to pay for his lessons that he treasured every moment on ice. 'I think it's the best thing that ever happened to him that now he was accountable for every dollar he was spending'.

Nam Nyugen, a rising star of Cricket Club, who sat in the fifth place at 2015 Worlds, is just on the same track. Armed with consistent jumps, these days the young Canadian champion has been training mostly to improve his spins, and also been planning to strengthen his transition in the near future. Yet Orser is patient with his growth as a skater and as a man. 'Yuzu and Javi took a long time. Nam needs to mature physically in order to do that.'

Speaking of the young Korean pupil Jun Hwan Cha, Orser is visibly appreciative. Having met and talked with him in a previous competition, Orser admitted that he was intrigued by Cha's techniques and genuine expression of his choreography, which was coming out of his body. 'Even though he's only thirteen, he really does skate like senior. I haven't been this excited for a long time.' The young boy broke his foot in the summer, but won the Autumn Classic Junior in October.

They have the potential, and the coaches trust them. Orser thinks his own reputation as two-time Olympic silver medalist would not make the judges trust his disciples. What makes a difference is that the skater delivers and comes up with something fresh. He thinks himself tough with the skaters. In the private rink, the situation can turn ugly when they do not deliver. 'I'm not always this nice. But Javi … And the same with Yuzu. They can get it and respect that approach.'

Despite the high technical criteria Team Orser is pursuing, the coach proposes passion as the most significant quality for a good skater. He teaches other skaters who will never be big champions as well, and enjoys their skating because they love to learn and express themselves, and that they are dedicated to skating. Once in a while, he sets up exercises for the skaters and looks at them in his office, finding them working hard even on their own. He feels fortunate with Yuzu, Javi, Nam, Elizabet just for their commitment, something that cannot be taught through lessons. Respect for everyone and communication are also crucial qualities. Orser likes to teach his athletes to be good people and have good manners.

Yuzuru promovendo o metro

Yuzuru e outros famosos participaram  da promoção da nova linha do metro que vai ser inaugurada dia 06 de dezembro.  Essa linha vai passar por  Sendai.

 Source: @ apresto_noto

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2015

Marunouchi Bright Christmas 2015

 A pista de patinação de natal temático em Maru-Cube no distrito de Marunouchi de Tóquio foi inaugurada, a inauguração teve ampla divulgação da mídia .
Abaixo podemos ver os projetos e como ficou  o produto final, eu amei e vocês?

Source photos: timeout jp

2015 11 12 イルミネーション(開始16秒辺りを一時停止で... por yuzupinoko

Source photos:  Il nome della rosa

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This blog is a summary of some facts of life and skater Yuzuru Hanyu career. The idea came from not find almost anything here in Brazil about Yuzuru and / or skating , but when searching the world discovered so things became difficult absorb and organize all ; hence this blog was born .