quarta-feira, 31 de agosto de 2016

From the prologue of ‘Aoi Honō II’, Scene 0:

Because of the Great East Japan Earthquake of March 2011, 16 year-old Yuzuru Hanyu lost his home rink. That year, in the off-season of summer, he travelled all over the country to do ice shows. He was very thankful that he could borrow the rinks. He wanted to express his gratitude for being able to skate, and so, even for ice shows, he did quad jumps and put his full effort into revealing competition programmes.

“I participated in various ice shows, and from there, I received many letters. There were too many and I could not finish reading. After Japan nationals, I had time and so I read all of them and wrote replies. Among those letters, there were some from Iwaki and Fukushima, and also from places like Ofunato on the coast of Iwate prefecture and Ishinomaki in Miyagi prefecture. I almost cried.
[my note: these are places that suffered the most devastation from the earthquake/tsunami.]
Until then, I had been doing things with the image of ‘for myself’ (t/n. and not 'for the disaster victims’), but after I read those letters, I felt that I was not in the position of giving support but it was the opposite, I was the one who was being supported. From then on, something inside me changed.”

March 2012, Hanyu faced his 1st World Championships at a young age of 17.  It was a competition that became a turning point for him.

–my partial translation from his new autobiography ‘Aoi Honō II’ (please read about his thoughts before this point in time if you have not: my sharing from ‘Yuzuru Method’)
–I took the photos from my book (2nd page and prologue page) (I love that photo and also the little figures of Yuzu in training wear at the start of each scene/chapter.  He is in a different pose for each of the 15 scenes.^^)

translated by Angelic Yuzuru

Last chapter of his autobiography, Aoi Hono II

–World Championships 2016– 
1st time in my life that I read a book’s last chapter first.  I have translated the main parts.  First part on his injury is a summary. After that is proper translation of parts.

About his injury– briefly summarised by me from his direct speech:

It started as a discomfort at the end of October, just before Skate Canada. There was numbness when he jumped toeloops. But it went away after 3 or 4 jumps. He gave it some care but did not see it as major because it went away with more movement. At NHK Trophy, it had become a pain and got worse over time and was pretty bad at Nationals (Dec).

After Nationals, he rested for 10 days, and then he did ‘NHK Trophy Special Exhibition’ (Jan 9, Morioka) and then ‘New Year On Ice’ (Jan 16, 17, Osaka).

[My own notes about these 2 ice shows from past articles I had saved:
1) NHK Special Ex– This show was hosted by NHK and proceeds were donated to the Tohoku Earthquake reconstruction efforts.
2) NYOI– 17 January is the anniversary date of the Great Hanshin Earthquake (also known as the Kobe earthquake) which happened 21 years ago. 21 year-old Yuzuru Hanyu skated ‘The Final Time Traveler’ which is the song written specially for the Hanshin earthquake.]

Before ‘New Year On Ice’, he went to the hospital and had a steroid injection and also took painkillers. After the show, he rested totally for 10 days, but after that, the pain was still there.

At its peak, even walking was painful. The inside of his big toe hurt so much that he started to walk with his ankle turned out. Because of walking in this strange way, other places started to hurt as well.

At the end of Jan, even though it was painful, he could still do the salchow. But soon, he was falling on more and more jumps. It was most painful for the toeloop, then later, there was also pain for the axel, salchow and flip. Only the loop was not painful, so he practised a lot of that and thought of adding a quad loop at Worlds. But in the end, he was falling even on the triple loop. Mid-February, he thought he had to withdraw from Worlds and was in despair.

He had planned to go to Toronto at the end of January but because of the pain, he only went back there at the end of February.  It started to get better bit by bit with treatment in Toronto. Except for toeloops, all the other jumps started to come back and his “can-do” spirit also returned. The doctor that was treating him ordered a “toeloop ban” on him, so for 3 weeks he just practised with the other jumps.  2 weeks before Worlds, he did the quad toe for the first time and managed to jump it in a day, only the feeling was a bit different.

Although the pain still remained, his jumps had returned and he was in good spirits.

At World Championships:
March 27, he arrived in Boston. The next day was the first practice.

“The 1st day’s practice was good. But from the 2nd day’s practice, my body did not work well. [.…] Even when I took a painkiller, the pain in my left foot was still there. And my lower back started to hurt. Within that anxiety, there was a matter with another skater. As such, it was a mess inside my head. Various kinds of stress arose and I knew very well that my mental state was dragged away in a different direction. A short program that “there’s no way you can do it in this condition”, but it was clean. (laughs)”

His SP score was 110.56, only 0.39 points short of his own world record at GPF. However, after the SP, his foot got worse and swelled up.

“Before the practice on the day of the free programme, I took a painkiller and confirmed that I could jump a quad toeloop even though it’s painful. Because my adrenaline was still running, I was in a constant state of excitement, and those 2 nights before the free, I could not sleep.”

When he drew turns for the FP at Worlds and he got 2nd to skate, he thought, “ah, I, am finished.” Because he has not had much experience of having good results with 2nd to skate. He has not yet found a good rhythm for skating 2nd.

His mind and body was not yet put in order and he faced the free skate.  […..]

“World Championship was really hard. Between the short and the free, the temperature was about 10 degrees different and the ice was melting, but people who can jump, can jump. My body was not in a condition to adapt to all kinds of ice, my mental state was also fluctuating all the time.”


“Being 2nd at World Championships, last year I was so regretful and felt very gloomy about it. This year (about a month before Worlds), I kept dreaming about being 2nd in various competitions (laugh), there was not a single dream where I was first. So, when Worlds ended, even though I was really regretful, my mood was refreshed.

Thinking about it again, for last season (2014-2015), what I achieved was I recovered from my injuries (from CoC) and I was restored/resurrected; that is the impression I have in my mind. This season, I got world record scores, and for the first time, I gave something perfect from within myself at a competition. It’s an important season that gave me a sense of accomplishment.

And also, my exhibition was good. I could put a lot of my feelings into it. The period before this Worlds, I did a lot of polishing on areas related to expression. Because of the pain in my foot, on-ice training was limited. So I practised on land, things like hand movement, ways of putting in emotions, the direction of the legs. For the ‘Requiem of Heaven and Earth’ at Worlds, I could put my feelings into it very well, my body and feelings were in harmony, and I was also one with the music. I finished the performance feeling refreshed.”

During practice for the exhibition, “Ahhh, if I skate this way, it is good,” he found a suitable way to skate on that ice and the skating felt good.

“Although in the end it took about 2 months, at that point in time before Worlds, it was decided that ‘due to the condition of my foot, I will not skate for one month after the competition ends’. ‘Must stay away from skating totally’. As such, with the thought that I cannot skate for one month from now, it was an exhibition where I really felt the joy and pleasure of skating.” […..]

“I think I first skated ‘Requiem of Heaven and Earth’ at Fantasy On Ice in Kanazawa. Many voices said “the Requiem at that time was so painful, it was heart-breaking”.
In fact, I had cried in practice, it was too painful. Especially when I was trying to link with the music completely, the moment I listened to the music, images of the disaster floated to mind…… I felt as if the pain at that time was depicted through me, it was very painful.” [……]

“ ‘My own happiness, it’s in skating’, ‘Skating is the only joy’, there were times when I thought to that extent. At the start of January, my foot was in pain, and added to that, there were false news reports which made me rather distrustful of people.
[My own note: one terrible gossip magazine said he was getting married and rumours spread.]
Because of this situation, I was very happy that I could skate in a show. Skating is something done only by my own will. It is a place where no one else can interfere. At that time, I thought about many things. As such, it’s a program with deep meaning for me, ‘Requiem of Heaven and Earth’.”

He talked about this recent season’s skating and jumps in the men’s field, and ended this part by saying he almost did a quad axel at Dreams On Ice and he is still studying how to do it. And “there are no quint jumps yet, but maybe Boyang might be able to do them. (laugh)”

“For men’s figure skating, now is the hottest period, isn’t it?  For me, Salt Lake City was still the best Olympics and it was the trigger that started me thinking seriously that “I want to skate!”.  In a certain meaning, that kind of time has come again, or it has become that kind of flow and I myself am in it. I am so happy. Until Pyeongchang, how much can I evolve, that will be my challenge from now. I am looking forward to it.”
[this is his last quote in this chapter]

Translated by me (not in full, some parts are left out).
There is a short epilogue which I will read only when I have finished reading the whole book (and not just the last chapter). ^^
Photos are all from the book.

translated by Angelic Yuzuru

 Pessoal, normalmente uso o Google Tradutor para transcrever os textos para o portugues, mas em alguns casos a tradução fica confusa.
Como as traduções das Yuzusorbet são primorosas, um trabalho de carinho e amor para Yuzuru Hanyu e seus fãs. Achei que elas deveriam ser publicadas na integra, sem nenhuma modificação.
Visitem o tumblr. dela, lá vocês vão encontrar grata surpresas; como eu disse um trabalho dedicado feito com carinho. 


Bits from Aoi Hono II (Yuzuru’s 2nd autobiography)

Scene 3 (2012 nationals 1st victory)
‘Parisienne Walkways’ was a programme that kept making new world records   [my note: 1st time was at Skate America, Oct 2012, SP score of 95.07. Then it broke records 3 more times, the last one being 101.45 at Sochi Olympics in 2014.]   It was choreographed by Jeffrey Buttle in Canada. ‘When we hear this music, we think of Yuzuru Hanyu’, ‘when you say Yuzuru Hanyu, it’s this music’, this was said among the Japanese people later on.

Hanyu said this about his first impressions of it.
“At first, I felt it was a ‘Jeff-like’ programme; I thought it would be better that Jeff himself did it. (laughs)  But as I skated it more, a lot of my own choreography also came out.”

{my thought:  I’m so glad he did not seriously ask Jeff to skate it himself!}

Scene 4  -A painful battle-
(late 2012-2013 season)

[some parts are summarised]
Dec 2012 Grand Prix Final was in Sochi, Russia.  Final results, Hanyu was 2nd. (my note: 1st Daisuke Takahashi, 3rd Patrick Chan).
After GPF, he was hit by bouts of ill health.

Soon after GPF free programme, he had fever and vomiting. He could not attend the interviews the next day nor perform at the exhibition.
13 days later, it was Japan Championships in Sapporo, Hokkaido. He had not yet returned to top form but he managed to give a steady performance. He was 1st in SP, 2nd in FP, and overall, he was 1st. This was his 1st win at the nationals in senior level.
(my note: 2nd was Daisuke Takahashi. 3rd Takahito Mura. 4th Nobunari Oda.)

2013 Feb 8-11 was Four Continents Championships in Osaka. He was in 2nd place. (1st Kevin Reynolds. 3rd Yan Han.)  After this, he intended to prepare for World Championships which would be in a month’s time (March 10-17).

However, upon returning to Toronto, he became ill with influenza. He had high fever and could not practise at all for 10 days. When he could finally get on the ice again, it was end February. Trying to make up for his lack of practice, and in the absence of Coach Orser who was at Junior Worlds, Hanyu practised desperately and this resulted in him injuring his left knee. He had to rest it for 7 days. When he could return to the rink, it was March 6, only one more week to Worlds.

March 13, short programme at World Championships in Canada, London. He fell on the 4T and made another mistake in the combination jump. His 'Parisienne Walkways’ which had broken world records twice this season (95.07 at Skate America and 95.32 at NHK Trophy) was given only 75.94 points and he was in 9th place. The gap in score from 1st place Patrick Chan was 22.43 points.

After the SP, Coach Orser revealed that Hanyu had a left knee injury. When reporters asked Hanyu about it, he did not want to elaborate. “Can we talk about that after the free skate?” he said.

After SP, there was a free day before the FP. During official practice in the morning, the old injury in his right ankle which was sprained during Worlds one year ago flared up. Most likely it was because he was trying to protect the left knee and put more burden on the right leg.

So now both legs had problems. Without painkillers, he could not perform. But using painkillers, some of the delicate feelings in the steps and jumps would be lost too. Hanyu decided to take just enough painkillers for the feeling to remain in his legs. He endured the pain and faced the rink.

“With my left leg injury, I was feeling hopeless. 'Why did it turn out like that?’ I really cried after my short programme. But I don’t think it was shown on TV. (laughs) But, because it was I myself who had decided to compete, and also for Japan, I wanted to give it my best efforts, and I psyched myself up for the free programme.”

FP, he was number 13 to skate, in the 3rd group, 1st to go. He landed the 4T and also the 4S although it was under-rotated. He continued to land the rest of the jumps. When he finished, he let out a loud yell and crumpled to the ice on his knees. His FP was 169.05, 3rd place. Overall, he rose up to be 4th (from 9th place after the short).

Daisuke Takahashi was 6th, Takahito Mura was 8th. For the Japanese skaters in this competition, they carried on their shoulders the quota of '3’ for Sochi Olympics men’s singles and they achieved it.

“There was quite a lot of pain but thanks to the painkillers, I could do it. […]
About the injury, Brian and Tracy spoke about it, but I really wanted to keep it hidden until the end. […]
I could not help feeling anxious. Brian was giving me various advice but I was so nervous, I didn’t hear much of his words. […]
As the Japanese national champion, I had a responsibility (to secure spots for the Olympics), but what I had done to reach here became like nothing, so it was a very tough situation. [….]
I thought, if I don’t do it now, I will regret forever, and so 'no matter what it takes, I will do my jumps’, 'I will give all I have to challenge it’. Withdrawing from the competition or avoiding quads were not in my vision field at all. 'I will definitely make it’, that was all I was thinking.”

Before the competition, Coach Orser suggested to Hanyu to do 2 quad toeloops instead of one quad toe and one salchow. Because his 4T was much more stable than his 4S, it would lessen the burden on his (injured) body and on his mind. But Hanyu refused. Because his aim this season was to skate with 2 types of quads. Once he has skated to a programme, he does not want to skate to a layout that is lower than that.

“Without lowering the layout, I tried my best and skated right to the end, and so I am satisfied. Practice is really important. What I have done for one year does not disappear after I rest for one month. (Because of ill health and injury) I could only practise properly in the 4 days before coming here (to Worlds).  2 days I was just skating for one hour, then the remaining 2 days I was skating and going through the programmes with no jumps and then doing light jumps. I did not do quads. […] Just as Brian said, what I have accumulated over one year, it will all come together right at the very end.”

Hanyu had to decline participation in the gala exhibition. He flew back to Japan for a thorough medical examination. He also had to miss World Team Trophy in April.
[next chapter: 2013 summer]

-my sharing; NOT a proper translation, many parts are left out.  Pics from internet (thanks to original owners).
A fanmade video that I really like, showing Yuzu at Worlds 2013:  Here’s to Your Amazing Season

translated by Angelic Yuzuru


segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2016

Yuzuru Hanyu em nova campanha - Ghana 2016

Yuzuru Hanyu voltou com força total, temos várias noticias e campanhas publicitárias para nos alegrar.
Como eu gostaria de estar no Japão agora!
Abaixo vídeos e fotos da campanha do chocolate Ghana 2016.


Source photos and news: sankei.com, tokyopopline.com 

Source videos:  maidigitv, 東京ニュース通信社チャンネル

sábado, 27 de agosto de 2016

Yuzuru Hanyu in 24HTV - videos e fotos


Yuzuru Hanyu participou do 24HTV e como sempre agitou as mídias, são tantas noticias, fotos e vídeos sobre o evento.
Os fãs e a mídia estão muito contentes em ter Yuzuru Hanyu de volta e super bem!

160827 24hTVー会場から生中継 por YzRIKO


160827 24hTV 直前SP リハ現場に生潜入 por YzRIKO


被災地に愛を込めてくまモンとコラボ、一夜限りの... por yuzu2016


 Obrigada a yuzu2016 e YzRIKO pelos vídeos. 
Fonte das fotos: os vídeos  acima.

quinta-feira, 25 de agosto de 2016

Yuzuru Hanyu in 24HTV - news

Segundo  noticias postada por yuzusorbet.tumblr. Yuzuru Hanyu irá participar novamente do 24HrTV; a apresentação deve ocorrer essa semana entre os dias 27 e 28 de agosto.
Enquanto esperamos  vamos rever a entrevista que Yuzuru deu para esse mesmo programa em 2014 após ser campeão olímpico.
O vídeo foi traduzido e legendado, em ingles e chinês, por um grupo de fãs de Yuzuro que quis compartilhar suas palavras com o mundo.

20140830 24H TV - Yuzuru Hanyu - English... por pandaatlarge

quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2016

Frases de Yuzuru Hanyu

Fan video of Yuzuru and his best quotes. Some of the quotes were translated from Japanese by Ingrid Ko and Jessie Kok. Some of other quotes were collected by various fans.
Video made by “3 doomed fans”
Music: Heart Of Courage by Two Steps from Hell
Source video: Duc Khung

segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2016

Yuzuru Hanyu recordes

World Figure Skating
Yuzuru Hanyu recebendo os certificados dos recordes conseguidos em dezembro último ano do Grand Prix final (Barcelona).  Que bom ver Yuzuru recuperado!

Yuzuru Hanyu receiving certificates of records achieved in December last year the Grand Prix Final ( Barcelona). Good to see Yuzuru recovered !

Source: AFPBB News

segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2016

Sharing a little bit from his autobiography ‘Aoi Hono II’:

 Chapter 1, Worlds 2012. (from interviews in April 2012):

1) During official practice the day before SP, he sprained his right ankle and his foot swelled up.
Short programme, he obtained a score of 77.07 and was in 7th place. After the SP, Hanyu did not say anything about the injury. But there was a subtle change in his feelings.

“Because I was injured the day before the short, I felt that even in that kind of situation 'I landed my quad, I did well’. I felt that I had worked really hard by myself. However, my mother told me, "That is wrong.” Getting injured was my own fault, but there were many people who gave me help, and also many people who support me. That is the reason why I could come to this point. Until about 9 o'clock that night, we were talking about this while having dinner, and in the end, I knew that my thinking was wrong.“

He could see that his own ego had sprouted unknowingly after the SP.
17 year-old Hanyu faced the free skate with a different spirit.

2) About the free skate and the stumble.
"Later, when I watched the videos, I saw that the fall did not take up much time. I was standing up again quickly.
But to me, it felt like a long time. When I fell, the feeling was like flying mid-air. Like this (he re-enacts the fall in slow motion), 'ahh, I am stumbling~~’ (laughs)
After the fall, 'what should I do from here’, many thoughts circled around. Thinking that I won’t make it in time for the next axel jump, I shortened the path by going straight instead of curved. I can jump even a 3A+3A (in practice), so I thought I will be alright. (laughs)”

(Just before the choreographic sequence) “I gave a shout. I did not shout at other times. Only at nationals and this. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, so I thought, for now just let the breath out. (laughs)”
[He also talked about the audience cheers giving him strength. And when he finished the performance, his tears just flowed out.]

3) In the end, his free skate score was 173.99, his season’s best. At the kiss n cry, Hanyu looked very surprised at the high score. He was in 2nd place for the free skate. With a total score of 251.06, he was 3rd overall. At the age of 17 years 3 months, he won bronze at his 1st World Championships. In 1st place was Patrick Chan, 2nd was Daisuke Takahashi. That day, for the 1st time in the history of Japanese men’s figure skating, two 'Hinomaru’ (Japan national flag) were raised up at Worlds medal ceremony.

[video of free skate]  [video of medal ceremony]

4) “The winner Patrick Chan said, 'In this competition, the one shining the most is Yuzuru.’ His words resounded a lot within me. But I am not alone, I did it with the power from everyone. […..]  I can think in this way because of the injury. I think that, in this world, nothing happens by chance, and so I feel it was something necessary that God taught me.

5) "Am I a disaster victim, or am I a skater? There was a period that I was lost between the two. Now, there is still no clear answer, but I feel that as a skater, I am really being supported by many, various people.”

One year after the earthquake, looking back, his feelings have settled. Having read the warm letters from fans, he wants to be someone who can give back.
The people who are supporting him in Sendai and in Japan, he wants to repay their affection. And at the same time, he wants to be a stronger skater…..
(next chapter is titled: 2012 off season, to Canada the new world)

–my sharing of bits that struck me; not a proper translation.
–the part on reading fan letters is in the prologue, translation here
–pics#3,4 are taken from my book; rest of pics from internet (thanks to original owners)

translated by Angelic Yuzuru

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This blog is a summary of some facts of life and skater Yuzuru Hanyu career. The idea came from not find almost anything here in Brazil about Yuzuru and / or skating , but when searching the world discovered so things became difficult absorb and organize all ; hence this blog was born .