sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2016

Yuzuru Hanyu - Autumn Classic (pratica FS)

Hoje na sessão pratica do Autumn Classic , podemos ver o novo programa Hope & Legacy de Yuzuru Hanyu; nem preciso dizer que foi um alvoroço nas redes sociais e na mídia. Mesmo sem ver o programa completo já estamos todos encantados.
Agora mais do que nunca estou ansiosa para ver Yuzuru competir.

2016-09-29 Skate Canada Autumn Classic Practice... por kichessarjilian


Source Gif: iguana012.tumblr.

Source videos: kiches, Lynn Liu

Source photos: sukisukiyuzu.tumblr., seobiiiiieluv.tumblr., nightwizardwatch.tumblr.,shampooneko.tumblr.,sukisukiyuzu.tumblr.

Thanks to all the videos and photos!

Jeffery Buttle talked about Yuzuru Hanyu’s new SP

Jeffery Buttle talked about Yuzuru Hanyu’s new SP, ‘Let’s Go Crazy’.  Sept 13, 2016.  At the Cricket Club in Toronto.

Translation by yuzusorbet.tumblr. of article in

Buttle choreographed Hanyu’s ‘Parisienne Walkways’ which broke the world record score again and again, and became the key to Hanyu’s Sochi Olympic gold medal.

“This season, being the last season before the Olympics, I thought it’s good timing to try something new or challenge taboos.”

Last season (2015-16) and the season before, Hanyu’s 'Chopin Ballade No.1’ was also choreographed by Buttle.  Hanyu skated with it to new world records at both NHK Trophy and GP Final.
This year, Hanyu himself wanted yet another image.

“Before choosing the music, I discussed with Yuzu, what kind of direction do you want to go, do you want to remain in the classical series, we talked about these things.  He said, I want to try and challenge something different from what I’ve had up to now.  And I agreed with him.”

During that period, he listened to a variety of music. When he listened to the music of Prince, an artist who passed away in April this year, he liked the tempo and felt that it matched Hanyu’s skating.

“Because we had the concept of let’s try something crazy, the title also fitted perfectly. Both Yuzu and Brian liked this idea immediately.”

Buttle said the concept for the choreography is 'Celebration’.

“This song originally has a bit of religious connotations in the lyrics but I did not go in that direction. I just wanted to express the feelings of overcoming obstacles in life and to celebrate living. I would like people who are watching to really enjoy it and forget it’s a competition. Because Yuzu has the qualities of a rock star, I think it is possible.”

(Thank you, Jeff Buttle!)
(I hope my translation is similar enough to Jeff’s original English words and his meaning.)
(Parts that are not Jeff’s direct speech in the article are summarised by yuzusorbet.tumblr.

Original article: webronza.asahi  (photo by Sunao Noto)

Yuzuru’s new CM for Tokyo Nishikawa ‘&Free’ pillow and comforter.

 Source: Angelic Yuzuru (yuzusorbet.tumblr.)

My rough translation from the website/video:

“Sleep is like eating, for the maintenance of our body, it is something very important. Since the time I was little, when I have trips or competitions, I would be very excited and could not sleep. I would get the feeling that I can’t move well or feel sleepy the next day. I have known this from young and so I place great importance on sleep.”

“When I am lying in a futon, I do image training, I listen to music and imagine myself skating; I do it like I am practising, I have the feeling of jumping and such in my head.”

“When I travel for competitions, there is jet lag, and often, I find it hard to fall asleep. To get good quality sleep, I try to make an environment that is easy to sleep. I do think about what is the best way for sleeping.”

Source: 1) ;  2)

Source : nightwizardwatch.tumblr.

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2016

Yuzuru Hanyu - Nova Campanha

Yuzuru Hanyu arrasando em mais uma campanha!

Source photos:,
Source vídeos東京西川,  JIJIPRESS/時事通信芸能動画ニュース
Source news: 

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2016

2016 Autumn Classic International Men Events


- Schedules
- Practice 1 (Sep 29, 14:10)
- Practice 2 (Sep 30, 11:30)
- SP (Sep 30, 19:30)
- Practice 3 (Oct 1, 11:00)
- LP (Oct 1, 19:40)

News Source: aliajackson.tumblr.

Photo Source: @yuzu_co_machi2

Yuzuru Hanyu - ‘Asian Dream Song’

Translation attempt for 旅立ちの時 ~Asian Dream Song~

The music of ‘Asian Dream Song’ (used in Yuzuru’s new FP) was the theme song at the 1998 Nagano Paralympics. It has lyrics and the title 旅立ちの時 (tabidachi no toki) means 'when you set off on a journey’. I was very moved when I heard it, and since I could not find any translation online, I attempted to translate it to share.  Also because this is the song that Yuzu marked with a double circle in reply to a fan letter in 2011, meaning he likes this song very much. (refer to previous post)
Song lyrics are always hard to translate, so if you have a better translation of any part, please message me. Thanks!

旅立ちの時 ~Asian Dream Song~

君の瞳に 花開く
夢をかなでる 心
今 ただ一人歩こう
In your eyes, flowers bloom
Hearts that play (the music of) a dream
This path blown by the wind, even it
Is illuminated by starlight
Now alone let’s walk.

今 抱きしめて歩こう
The throbbing that jolts the chest
Let’s sing to the sky and the land
Sadness, smiles and the warmth too
Shaking with zeal/passion
Now embrace it and walk.

微笑みながら ふりむかずに
The courage to set off on a journey
This moment of sharing the horizon’s light
As you smile, don’t look back
You who are catching your dreams
Flowers that are only yours, make them bloom


今 地球(ここ)に生きる者よ
Overcome the days of struggles
When you sing to the blue sky
At the end of this irreplaceable life
Let’s bloom with nameless flowers
Now you who live (here) on earth

微笑みながら ふりむかずに
The courage to set off on a journey
This moment of speaking beyond the rainbow colours
As you smile, don’t look back
You who are catching your dreams
Flowers that are only yours, make them bloom

You who are catching your dreams
Flowers that are only yours, make them bloom

[apologies for not doing justice to the song at all;  I tried my best]

Another video, just the music, awesome live performance of ‘Asian Dream Song’ by composer Joe Hisaishi:  youtube

translated by Angelic Yuzur, thanks to vyoshiv1213 for the video.

quinta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2016

Fotos de Yuzuru Hanyu - Novos programas

Como era de se esperar o anuncio dos novos programas de Yuzuru Hanyu está agitando as rede socais e a mídia em geral.
A noticia deixou a todos curiosos e ansiosos para ver os programas sendo apresentados, mil suposições estão sendo feitas quanto aos trajes que Yuzuru usará.
Vocês tem algum palpite?


160914 新プロ発表・公開練習NEWS-6 por YzRIKO

outros videos: x, x, x, x, x

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2016

Yuzuru Hanyu - programas 2016/2017

Yuzuru Hanyu anunciou hoje seus programas da temporada 2016/2017:

SP music: Let’s Go Crazy by Prince x
FS music: Hope&Legacy by Joe Hisaishi: View of Silence x, Asian Dream Song  x
Source: World Figure Skating

160914 新プログラム公開  por yuzu2016

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2016

Ghana chocolate 2016 (3)

160830 直撃インタ 海が苦手な理由 por YzRIKO

”Prince of Ice…. he cannot ____??”

At the Ghana chocolate event, Yuzuru said he does not go to the seaside much because he is not good at it/does not like it.  Later, when the reporter asked why, (at 2:16 of video) he says he cannot swim and he is also not someone who likes walking barefoot on the sandy beach.  So he is only good on frozen water. Not liquid water. ^^

At 1:16, she asked if his heart beat faster when the 3 girls called him “Yuzuru-kun”.  He said yes and he was a bit perplexed (or felt a bit lost) .  He has not been directly called this since maybe elementary school. (In another video, he said fans might use that but people directly calling him usually use Hanyu-kun or Yuzu or Yuzuru, but not Yuzuru-kun.)  :D  haha so cute.

translated by Angelic Yuzur, thanks to YzRIKO for the video

Ghana chocolate 2016 (2)

Ghana Chocolate event (29 Aug 2016), 11 min video of parts with Yuzuru.

2:25 of video-
Yuzu: Skate season is coming. I will be having more and more performances in front of everyone, so I really look forward to that.
And Tao-san, please try skating. Do try ice sports as well. (laughs)
[because she was talking about wanting to challenge sea sports]

MC: Now let’s try addressing one another not by family names but by your own names. So instead of saying ‘Hanyu-senshu’, please say 'Yuzuru-kun’.

[note: 'senshu’ means athlete and is a formal way of addressing a sports person.
’-kun’ is informal and a more endearing form of addressing a boy or young man.]

3 girls saying together: Yuzuru-kun, let’s enjoy today together.
Yuzu: Yes…. yes…. (laughter)

MC: How did you feel hearing that?
Yuzu: Nervous!  (laughter)
MC: Normally do you get called 'Yuzuru-kun’?
Yuzu: Not much. Fans might use that but usually it’s 'Hanyu-kun’ or 'Yuzu’ or 'Yuzuru’.
MC: So how was it hearing it from 3 girls so near you?
Yuzu: I could not look at their faces at all. (laughter)

MC: Well now it’s your turn, can you please look at their faces and address them by their names?  [**the MC is so mean, haha!**]

Yuzu: Yes. Airi-chan, Tao-chan, Suzu-chan, I will enjoy today.

MC: Hanyu-senshu, you seem so shy.
Yuzu: I used ’-chan’, but then at the end I said ‘-masu’….. haha…. Yes I was feeling embarrassed.
[note: when you address someone as ‘-chan’, it means a certain familiarity and you use the informal form of the verb at the end of the sentence instead of the polite -masu form. Yuzu is laughing at himself for being so awkward and having a funny mix in his sentence. ^^]

Yuzu: During the filming of the CM, there was a cut of eating (the chocolate). I was only required to eat a bit, but each time, I ate about half of it. There were more than 5 takes, so I ate about 2 to 3 bars at that time….. (laughs) It was really delicious…. The director also filmed me continuously eating the chocolate. (laughs)

One of the girls, Suzu-san, said she has been doing muscle training.
MC:  But muscle training and you seems the most mismatched….  Hanyu-senshu, you are reacting to this too. (he was nodding in agreement)

Yuzu: As an athlete, I think about various things regarding muscles. But looking at this body (Suzu’s), I’m thinking where are the muscles? (laughter)

Suzu: At my stomach. Muscles have started to form and I am aiming for a 6-pack. But maybe 6-pack will look awful on me, so now I am having family meetings about it. (laughter)

MC: (About women having 6-pack)  Hanyu-senshu, what do you think?

Yuzu: Hmm….. I think it can look good. Slender ladies look beautiful and there are many skaters who are like that. They all look good. Suzu-san also. I would surely like to see it. (laughter)

MC: We will look forward to a chance to see that! (laughter)

Suzu-san gestures towards her stomach, like splitting it up.

Yuzu:  Split into 6 parts…. If you can, eight parts might be good too. (laughter)

[**haha…. Yuzu is so naughty! Telling her to go for 8-pack! Look at how much he is laughing at his own suggestion! He is such a tease!!**]

MC: How about you, Hanyu-senshu? Recently what are things that get you excited?  [t/n. in Japanese, the word means “make your heart throb”]

Yuzu: Lately, I am working really hard at practice and so there is nothing but skating that I am excited about. I am looking ahead towards the competitions and working hard so that I can do good performances.

MC: When we watch you perform, we get very excited. For yourself, do you also get very excited when you do a good performance?

Yuzu: Mm….. I think I like the reaction. When I am skating, I am concentrating on myself, so I don’t really feel anything. But when I finish and the music stops, the reaction and cheers from everyone really make my heart race.

MC: Now please show the photo that “gets your heart throbbing".
Yuzu shows a photo of his earphones.
MC: What are these?
Yuzu: They are my earphones. When I have work to do, I bring them along with me. One, two, three… (counting the ones in the pic)…. eight. I bring eight with me.

MC: I’m thinking, are they really such a necessity?
Yuzu: Well….. I have wireless ones too. They each give different sound quality. At times when I am very particular about the sound, or times when I think I want to listen to this kind of music and this kind of sound quality, I get very excited with the earphones that I am obsessed about.

[**haha….. nothing very much new about what he loves.^^]

Translated by  Angelic Yuzuru;  video thanks to Jijipress.

Ghana chocolate 2016 (1)

His solo interview after the main event, Ghana chocolate 29 Aug 2016.

 First part of video, my summary of his words:
He said it is an uncommon chance for him to be attending this kind of event, with 3 beautiful actresses, and this is for the 3rd year running, it was exciting and enjoyable.
He felt nervous when they all said “Yuzuru-kun” to him. ^^
Popping the big cracker was very fun. It was a very “Ghana-like” cracker with the gold and red colours of Ghana.

At 2:00 of video–
Q: What did you think of the photos were showed? (there was a segment where they each showed a photo that makes them feel excited about. Airi -showed pic of 2 children; Tao -pic of skiing and talked about challenging certain sports; Suzu -pic of her dog;  Yuzu -pic of his earphones.^^)

Yuzu: 1) Airi-san’s photo of children.  I myself love little kids. I often pat or stroke them but they don’t like it. (laughs) But I really do love kids.  They come to the rink sometimes;  they make me feel relaxed.
2)  I don’t go to the seaside much. I am not good at the sea. So like Tao-san, maybe I should challenge myself on that.
3)  I like dogs and cats, especially cats. So I understand her feeling.
Now on the internet, there are more and more pictures and videos. I do get the feeling that ahhhh I really want a pet cat!!!!

Q: What are your feelings now towards the new season?

Yuzu: This season I have a late start. There was no chance to skate in front of everyone and I caused a lot of worry. Now, going towards the start of the season, I will work really hard to have good performances that will make everyone ‘genki’ (invigorated), performances that I myself can smile at and in turn make everyone smile as well.

Q: Can you please tell us some exciting points or things we should pay attention to in your new programmes?

Yuzu: My short programme is choreographed by Jeffrey Buttle. The poses and ideas came out as we discussed with each other. You can look at each of the poses, how it fits with the music. The entry to jumps, the flow after landing, it’s a programme that pays special attention to those things. So I hope you will watch out for these areas.
Both my short and free are programmes that I can skate with a good feeling, and I can put my emotions into them, so please look forward to them.

–translated by Angelic Yuzuru. Some parts are summarised. Thanks to Jijipress for the video.

My sharing of bits from Aoi Hono II


 My sharing of bits from Aoi Hono II

Scene 5~ Scene 8 are on 2013 off-season and Olympic season 2013-2014)

End of Scene 8:
2014 March 30, World Championships Exhibition. That performance concluded the first Olympic season for Yuzuru Hanyu.

(The ex was RJ1:
(At the end of the performance, he said “owatta” meaning ‘ended’ or ‘finished’.)

Looking back at that first half of being 18 years old and 2nd half of being 19 years old, Grand Prix Final, Japanese Championships, Sochi Olympics, World Championships, the gold medals of all these big competitions were in his hands.

Scene 9 ~2014 Off season~

(from interviews in April 2014)

2014 April, Hanyu performed in many ice shows in Japan. During the practice for one show, he tried the quad loop and succeeded.

“Loop, I jumped it! April 7, I have forgotten at what time, but I did it during the afternoon practice (for a show).**
I tried it once or twice during exhibition practice at Worlds in Osaka and I felt that it could be done.
Now, I am looking forward (to the period) from here on. Maybe the era will change. I think the rules also will surely change again. Furthermore, everyone made so many mistakes at the Olympics, I think all skaters will become stronger after this. The types of quads may increase, and I am really enjoying and looking forward to all sorts of things.”
–my translation

** My own note: The show is Superstars On Ice in Sapporo, on April 7th 2014. This video HERE is a collection of news clips on the event, only parts with Yuzu. It has snippets of his beautiful ‘Hana ni Nare’ and some short interviews. At 2:26, it also shows Yuzu trying a quad loop at the end of the show and he fell. (and his expression was so cute.)^^ (I remember watching this quad attempt 2 years ago when I was still a very new fan.) ^^
So it was in the afternoon before this show that he succeeded in landing it.

This video is a collection of his successful quad loops that we’ve seen til now.

 translated by Angelic Yuzuru

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2016

Yuzuru Hanyu in 24HTV (II)

Another part from 24HourTV (27 Aug 2016), before Yuzuru’s main segment. 

160827 24hTV 直前 por yuzu2016
At 0.17 of video, narrator:  To Hanyu-senshu, what is love? (the theme for 24HrTV this year is ‘Love’.)

Yuzu: “To me, it’s the feeling I have for my hometown. It is because of my hometown that I could work hard up to this point.  To hometown Tohoku, I will always be grateful and I hope to continue participating in various activities in future.”

My summary of another part:

The young girl skater, Akari-san, 14 years old, is from Kumamoto. This April, when the earthquake happened, the first thing she took to evacuate were her skate shoes. She started skating 6 years ago. When asked who she admires and looks up to, she said, “Hanyu-kun.”   This summer, she received a present. She and a few friends from the quake area were gathered together and they got a message from Hanyu-senshu. He invited them to skate with him in a performance.  She said, “Sugoi!”  (meaning “awesome!”)

The video shows Yuzu and the skaters rehearsing for the show.

 translated by Angelic Yuzuru, thanks to pino2016 for the video.

Obrigada mais uma vez pela tradução! 


Yuzuru Hanyu in 24HTV (I)

Brief translation of parts with Yuzuru in 24HrTV last night (27 Aug 2016).

160827 24hTVまとめ por yuzu2016

Suzue-san (lady in rink): We are in Saitama Ice Arena.  Hanyu-san, tonight you will be doing a collaboration with Kumamon and skaters from the disaster-affected areas of Kumamoto; what are your thoughts?

Yuzu: We have put our feelings into this. I hope it can be a chance (or trigger) for people to look ahead, even if it is just a little.

Male host in Budoukan: Hanyu-senshu, you yourself were in a quake 5 years ago. What are your feelings about the Kumamoto earthquake?

Yuzu: Yes, I was in Canada recovering from an injury (when the Kumamoto quake happened) and my heart was in pain. I had a similar experience and so I want to give some strength to them somehow.

Host: There are many children who are working hard for their skating in Kumamoto. What would you like to say to them?

Yuzu: I myself had a period of time when I could not skate this year, as well as that time after the earthquake. But let’s continue to have hope within us.

Another host (Imada-san): I have friends in Kumamoto and the situation there seems really hard. I do hope the people will get some strength/energy (genki) from your skating, Hanyu-kun.

Yuzu (looking a little teary to me):  Yes.

Suzue (in rink): Today, Kumamon will take on the challenge of his 1st ice show. Hanyu-san, you are looking forward to performing together?

Yuzu: Yes I am. He is very good, so please look forward to it.

Suzue: Kumamon, you are alright?

Kumamon gives a thumbs-up. Then he skates a bit and falls, and then looks very sorry, and Yuzu pats and comforts him. ^^
Suzue: He will be alright for the real thing!

[There is a section on past footage of Yuzuru talking about the March 2011 earthquake which has been shown and translated many times before. It is not included in this video]

Yuzuru’s collaboration with Kumamon and skaters from Kumamoto– When You Wish Upon A Star.

Live performance of White Legend by Yuzuru– This programme was the first performance Yuzu did after the Tohoku earthquake of March 2011.

Suzue: You have just finished skating, but can you please say a word to everyone?

Yuzu: There are many things that are really difficult now and it may get even worse but please try hard. Please have hope and continue to do your best!

–my brief translation; above video thanks to YzRIKO

For a longer video that includes past footage of Yuzu talking about the 2011 earthquake: here

translated by Angelic Yuzuru

Obrigada mais uma vez! 


2016 Autumn Classic International (II)

Yuzuru Hanyu está entre os inscritos para participar do Autumn Classic International 2016.


sábado, 3 de setembro de 2016

2016 Autumn Classic International (I)

Yuzu’s Autumn Classic 2016 depends on his leg condition.

Segundo  informações a participação de Yuzuru Hanyu no  Autumn Classic 2016, está dependendo  da condição de sua lesão. Vamos aguardar e rezar pelo melhor.

2016 Autumn Classic International 
Data: 29Sep - 1Oct 2016 
Local: Sportplexe Pierrefonds, Montreal, Canadá
Site do evento:


Obrigada a pelas informações. 

Gran Prix Final 2017

O Gran Prix Fin al de 2017 já está marcado e a corrida pelos bilhetes já está agitando a internet.
Obrigada a pelas informações .

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This blog is a summary of some facts of life and skater Yuzuru Hanyu career. The idea came from not find almost anything here in Brazil about Yuzuru and / or skating , but when searching the world discovered so things became difficult absorb and organize all ; hence this blog was born .