segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2016

Yuzuru News

In honor of the 2020 Olympics, they held an exhibition in Tohoku History Museum. It showcases items from past Olympian’s and Yuzuru’s and Shizuka’s costumes are also featured. they’re open for about a month. (Cr to ShirKJ on GS and   Marina Khevkh  Yuzuru Hanyu International Fan Group )
Uma exposição em honra aos Jogos Olimpicos de 2020 foi inaugurada no Tohoku History Museum; essa exposição ficará aberta por um mês.
Lá  estão expostos entre vários itens os trajes que Yuzuru usou quando ganhou as Olimpiadas de Inverno.
 Source: Hanyu Yuzuru ThaiFan  NHK  asahi 


 Yuzuru  deu uma entrevista para Shizuka Arakawa que deve ir ao ar no dia 29 de fevereiro as 22h00. O programa se chama Shizuka Arakawa e Amigos e  tem como convidados várias personalidades do mundo da patinação.

Source:sukisukiyuzu.tumblr FNNLocal  nitteleplus

sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2016

NHK Trophy Special - 09/01/2016

Yuzuru e convidados participaram de um evento para marcar os 5 anos de terremoto/tsunami que devastou o Japão.
O evento além de marcar essa data serviu para arrecadar fundos para as áreas afetadas que ainda continuam precisando de ajuda.

Yuzuru and guests attended an event to mark five years of earthquake / tsunami that devastated Japan.
The event and mark that date served to raise funds for the affected areas that are still in need of help.


0117 Backstage of Special Exhibition por blue0201402015

Yusuhu visitando mais áreas atingidas pelo terremoto. 
 Yusuhu visiting more areas hit by the quake.


160109 N杯Special EX 「Hanawa-Saku」SP collaboration por YzRIKO

More videos:  #1, #2#3 

Photos: magicaleggplant.tumblr,  rayrunmin.tumblr, shizukaarakawa, yuzuruhanyusupportnetwork,
aliajackson.tumblr, nightwizardwatch.tumblr, halyuzuhappy, sukisukiyuzu.tumblr

Videos: 柚 香 ★ 彡  blue0201402015, YzRIKO

Gif: heltra91.tumblr

News: Sankei, Yahoo Japão 

quinta-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2016

Thank you my friend!

Living the virtual world that certain work of Yuzuru Hanyu, met many interesting, friendly, kind, cheerful and fun people. People from different parts like me, felt something to see Yuzuru skating and identification with him was immediate.
People almost anonymous but no less dear that help promote this magnificent skater, who became the epitome of beautiful art of skating.
To monitor Yuzuru gave me many special moments yesterday when I got home I lived one of those times when I got home stumbling upon a package from Japan.
Inside were several priceless treasures for Yuzuru fan like me!
I want to thank the public this beautiful friend who sent me these beautiful pampering, I will guard them with affection.
Thank you my friend!


sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2016

Asahi Big Sports Award Ceremony

Kohei Uchimura talked with Yuzuru Hanyu at the “50th TV Asahi Big Sports Award” Ceremony:
Translate : a1tumbling.tumblr 

“More like he asked me things one-sidedly. He asked me a lot of technical things like, ‘How different are the springs on the floor when you go overseas?’ and about twisting in gymnastics. Even though I said things only a gymnast would know, he still understood well so I was surprised. He’s very eager to learn. I see that’s why he’s a gold medallist.

I watch Hanyu-kun’s performances on TV every time and am motivated. It’s also a judged sport so there are a lot of things in common. Setting a new record each time means he’s raising the degree of perfection in his performance each time. That’s what I want to do too.”

Ver Yuzuru Hanyu e Kohei Uchimura juntos, é maravilhoso! Meus  dois  esportistas favoritos juntos, demais!
Dois exemplos no esporte e na vida, parabéns aos dois pelo premio!

See Yuzuru Hanyu and Kohei Uchimura together, it's wonderful! My two favorite sports together, too!
Two examples in sports and in life, congratulations to both the prize!

160115 ビッグスポーツ賞 por YzRIKO

20160116 羽生が質問攻め ビッグスポーツ賞③ por yuzupinoko

 Photos: sukisukiyuzu.tumblr

Videos: yuzupinoko, YzRIKO

Gif: yuzuland.tumblr

News: Yahoo Japan 

quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016

Yuzuru em mais uma visita as vitimas do terremoto. (Yuzuru on another visit earthquake victims)

Yuzuru, continua em sua campanha para ajudar as vitimas do terremoto/ tsunami que abalou o Japão há 5 anos.
Ele visitou algumas escolas e áreas afetadas visando chamar a atenção do público e da mídia  para a reconstrução dessas áreas.

Yuzuru, continues its campaign to help the victims of the earthquake / tsunami that struck Japan for five years.
He visited some schools and affected areas in order to draw attention of the public and media for the reconstruction of these areas.

Yuzuru Hanyu
“I want to do whatever I can to help the reconstruction…I will work hard so I can help or provide support and assistance to [the victims of the earthquake].” 
Source:  yuzuland.tumblr
Yuzu visited a place in Iwate today (disaster-affected area) and answered some questions from the kids. 
Boy:  Who are you getting married to?

Yuzu:  I am NOT getting married yet!!!   (translation by Angelic Yuzuru)

20160107 被災地訪問①(二重音声につきイヤホン推奨) por yuzupinoko

20160107 被災地訪問②二重音声 por yuzupinoko

20160107 被災地訪問③ por yuzupinoko

Photos: Hanyu Yuzuru ThaiFan, aliajackson.tumblr, sukisukiyuzu.tumblr, @norakuro008, @yuz__gm012

 Videos: omegu, yuzupinoko, hana02015, rubeus330

Gif: yuzuland.tumblr

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This blog is a summary of some facts of life and skater Yuzuru Hanyu career. The idea came from not find almost anything here in Brazil about Yuzuru and / or skating , but when searching the world discovered so things became difficult absorb and organize all ; hence this blog was born .