Yuzuru, continua em sua campanha para ajudar as vitimas do terremoto/
tsunami que abalou o Japão há 5 anos.
Ele visitou algumas escolas e áreas afetadas visando chamar a atenção do
público e da mídia para a reconstrução dessas áreas.
Yuzuru, continues its campaign to help the victims of the earthquake / tsunami that struck Japan for five years.
He visited some schools and affected areas in order to draw attention of the public and media for the reconstruction of these areas.
Yuzuru Hanyu
“I want to do whatever I can to help the reconstruction…I will work hard so I can help or provide support and assistance to [the victims of the earthquake].” Source:
Yuzu visited a place in Iwate today (disaster-affected area) and answered some questions from the kids.
Boy: Who are you getting married to?
Yuzu: I am NOT getting married yet!!! (translation by Angelic Yuzuru)
20160107 被災地訪問①(二重音声につきイヤホン推奨) por yuzupinoko
20160107 被災地訪問②二重音声 por yuzupinoko
20160107 被災地訪問③ por yuzupinoko
Photos: Hanyu Yuzuru ThaiFan, aliajackson.tumblr, sukisukiyuzu.tumblr, @norakuro008, @yuz__gm012
Videos: omegu,
Gif: yuzuland.tumblr
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