terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2015

Especial "talk premium" - Tradução Hamaguri (vol 4)

Asaichi vol.4 (33:50-)
2015 08 28 part1

2015 08 28 part1
(Talk about walking on land for skater yuzu, who is used to skating on ice. After practice, the sense of touch on ice remains. He’s been told why he so stumbled. When he was a child, his shoes’ bottom was fast to wear out, since he rubbed his shoes onto the ground.)

(VTR of DOI)
(Yuzu explained about the difficulty in ice shows. The rink size, ice melting due to temperature of crowed… It’s hard for him to do quad in ice shows. Every time he troubles.)

(l) Why have you decided Japanese taste?
(yuzu) The FP music should be ready after WC. I had another competition after WC and felt frustrated with being late for new program. Further, I went into a kind of state of burn-out after the regrettable WC and the satisfying WTT. In searching of piece among various music, I was inclined to go for Japanese taste. The thought popped up when I was listening to the piece of a historical drama.
(m) Do you have any image of the scene where you are skating while listening to those music?
(yuzu) Yes. Music needs to harmonize with a program. For example, this theme (Onmyoji) is main theme of the program, when I was listening to it first, the image where I am skating came to me. I was concerned with the music arrangement for the first time. The arrangement was made of the original sound track. But the rhythm didn’t harmonize with that of skate because of its slow Japanese rhythm.
(m) You already had the image though, the Japanese music was difficult…
(yuzu) Yes. The sense was different. In the process of music arrangement, we must mix and pack various pieces within 4:40. The slower rhythm of the piece means less rhythm will be included. So we needed to adjust the rhythm, heightening the speed and lowering the pitch and reproducing the original sound.
Even one second over leads to one point reduction. The scoring system of figure skate may not be so easy to understand though, the difference of one point is large.
(l) Challenging music as well as 3 quad.. You try to heighten all...
(yuzu) Putting 2 triple axel and quad in the latter half is unusual and challenging. Not just the layout, but the firm execution is necessary. The step before jump and so on was also important…
(m) How about your private life? You devote your life only to skate?
(yuzu) Not at all. Music.. Games..
(m) Do you go out to play?
(yuzu) No. I basically don't go out. I feel unsettled when I go out. I like to be alone, though I like to play or talk with my truly close friend(s). On my day off, I stay at home by myself. I have done that way since I was a child, for my practice of skate or so.

(l) By 40s. woman. I wonder why you are so sexy despite of stoical life in Canada.
(yuzu) I’ve never felt I can show the adult sexuality.
(l) Have you ever thought of the sexuality?
(yuzu) Yes, at PW, I was told to show that manly sexuality, but it was difficult.
(m) That sexuality may be made by various experience. But you don’t go out..
(yuzu) I have many experiences in my figure skating field. Those experiences may help me mature.
(m)Are there any experience to make you resolute?
(yuzu) Especially, the experience at the COC was tough. Most of you would rather not even hear about it. But thanks to the experience, I could stay resolute whatever would happen.
(m) Such an experience may lead to the manly sexuality..
(yuzu) I hope it will (lol).
(l) Who do you think is the man with sexuality?
(yuzu) Here is. Next to me. Inohara-san (lol).

Fonte das fotos: o próprio  vídeo

2 comentários:

Yuzu Beloved Angel disse...

Boa tarde; Meu nome é Almerinda. Sou uma fã incondicional de Yuzuru e o adotei como filho desde world 2012. Yuzuru é um jovem de personalidade marcante e muito especial. Quando suas laminas tocam o gelo sinto que ele é como o sol, sua imensa luz traduz seu grande amor por este esporte. Ele é um anjo sobre os patins e fora deles.
Gosto muito do seu blog. Suas informações são preciosas.
Tenha um final de semana abençoado. Yuzu Beloved Angel

Unknown disse...

Gostei dos seus comentários sobre Yuzuru no Golden Skate e aqui, você descreveu como eu me sinto quando vejo Yuzuru patinar. Sinta-se em casa aqui o blog é simples, foi uma forma que encontrei de reunir confirmações sobre Yuzu, mas a barreira do idioma complica um pouco ainda bem que vários admiradores dele ajudam postando informações na rede. No Golden Skate tenho certeza você vai fazer muitos amigos, se precisar estou aqui

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This blog is a summary of some facts of life and skater Yuzuru Hanyu career. The idea came from not find almost anything here in Brazil about Yuzuru and / or skating , but when searching the world discovered so things became difficult absorb and organize all ; hence this blog was born .