terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2015

Yuzuru incentivando o time de futebol do Japão

2015 06 16 Rio OLYMPICへ頑張れサッカー日本代表 por yuzupinoko

 Yuzuru gravou uma mensagem de incentivo à seleção de futebol do Japão.

羽生結弦 Yuzuru Hanyu

 Nova publicação com Yuzuru na capa: 

羽生結弦 Yuzuru Hanyu

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This blog is a summary of some facts of life and skater Yuzuru Hanyu career. The idea came from not find almost anything here in Brazil about Yuzuru and / or skating , but when searching the world discovered so things became difficult absorb and organize all ; hence this blog was born .