Nessa campanha Yuzuru vai contar aos poucos um pouco de sua história.
As reportagens sobre Yuzuru estão disponíveis no site .
A segunda parte está abaixo em japonês e traduzida para o inglês com a ajuda do
“ 羽生結弦選手「国語が苦手」 幼少期の思い出語る
4歳からスケートを始め、6歳の時に千葉県で行われた大会で初めて優勝。 その後、13歳で全日本ジュニア選手権の頂点に立ち、その2年後には 日本男子史上初となる “中学生の世界ジュニア王者”となった羽生選手。 練習漬けの毎日だったが、小学生時代の自身について 「とても活発だったと思います」と振り返る。
Talk memories of "Yuzuru Hanyu player" language is not good "childhood
Yuzuru Hanyu player of figure skater, appeared in the series of interviews Web site within the "Mairepi" of P & G, he told the memories of childhood. It's Hanyu players have come a majority of life along with the skating, but childhood is retrospective to be "time other than the practice was playing full blast." In addition, "national language is not good did", such as it is revealed also subject liked, was a weak subject.
I started skating from 4-year-old, for the first time won the tournament that was held in Chiba Prefecture at the age of six. After that, the All Japan Junior Standing at the top of the championship, the first Japanese male in history to two years later and became Hanyu player "world junior champion in junior high school" at the age of 13. It was a daily practice pickled, for elementary school age itself recalls, "I think it was very active."
"Because after school went to link while carrying a school bag, the statement, Toka's morning and lunch break, you can dodgeball to rest time, there is a memory that was playing eyes full. It is a feeling that was playing at school ( LOL.
While it says towards the study and called it "start and addictive type" is also, like there was a language only weak consciousness, "points that can be convinced in yourself you did not take." But, history and science, and that mathematics was a favorite.
The future in the same series interview, I will mention also for such state of mind at that time was fished a gold medal in the senior age and Sochi Winter Olympics.
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