sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2016

Interview after FS at Autumn Classic - Yuzuru Hanyu

Interview after FS at Autumn Classic (brief translation)

 –1st free skate of the season. What’s your feeling?
Yuzuru: I want to practise soonest possible. Very regretful.

– The pace and steps and jumps were difficult?
Y: Not that it was difficult. Just that my own ability/strength was not enough.

–Due to the off period, your strength is not really back yet?
Y: It is not because of the 2 months that I could not skate. I need to think more about how to practise, the goals for each day, I need to look at these things again from the start.

–Regarding jumps:
Y: On the whole, there was a tendency for the jumps to be stuck/blocked (t/n. no good flow after landing), so in that sense, I feel very frustrated. But this frustration is not the kind that is discouraged or depressed, rather it is frustration that is forward-looking, I really feel it inside. I want to use this frustration and these problems well in my practice.
(Note: he used the word “kuyashii” which is a feeling of regret and frustration. I chose to use the word “frustration” because I think it is closer to that meaning here.)

–On expressions:
Y: In the 1st half, especially the steps in the 1st half, I skated while feeling the music. This was something I have not been able to do in practice, so I feel there was an area that I made some improvement.

–Towards GP season, which areas do you want to adjust or work on?
Y: Everything. From one to not 10 but to 20 or 30 or 100. Everything will change. Like shedding not one but 10 layers of skin from this current condition, I want to work really hard in this one month.
(brief translated by yuzusorbet.tumblr; thanks to yuzuemon1207 for the video)

AC 2016 FS 羽生結弦 インタビュー por madoden

Also read in yuzusorbet.tumblr. : (leiam também)
 Article from Nikkansports- partial translation

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This blog is a summary of some facts of life and skater Yuzuru Hanyu career. The idea came from not find almost anything here in Brazil about Yuzuru and / or skating , but when searching the world discovered so things became difficult absorb and organize all ; hence this blog was born .